Hey there Midlander pals - hope you're all well and happy,

Apologies, but it seems like a string of 'back-end' problems meant that the actual newsletter that you were supposed to get a month ago (with the On and On demos in it) didn't actually send until this morning.
The good news is, that's all cleared up now. The bad news is that it means you get YET ANOTHER email from us in a 48 hour period. Too much? Yeah, probably. Too late now...


We spent a lot of the last month away working on a liveshow, which, whilst a lot of interesting fun did leave us away from the studio for quite a while. As a result, I've fallen behind a little on where I'd hoped Placeford would be at - but am catching up now as the nights get longer. I reckon we're going to end up with a good ten songs we're excited about, this side of Christmas.


I'm delighted and honoured to have been able to contribute a remix to the Music of Sound's new project. Honestly, I'm not sure when it's out, but will let you know when it is!

Song demo!

I thought you might like to hear this. It's a in-progress demo of a new song that I think we're going to include on the collection. There are a few problems I think I need to iron out, the intro isn't right, the vocal-chain experiment on this isn't right and probably a load of other things aren't right - but hopefully you'll agree there's a song there. I like overall feeling of it, maybe you will too. Let me know.

Just another one of his moods

Right folks, I'm going to get my head down and finish these other tracks for Placeford.

Wishing everything you wish yourselves,

-HM x

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