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Extra Edward

Some extra Edward, just for you, dear Midlander.

Hello Iain
Hello Iain
1 min read
Extra Edward

As is often the case, our songs begin as wildly over-written things. The core idea is in place, but we've made too much of everything. Smoke, our last song, definitely had this affliction.

The idea was to tell the story of an awful, very successful man called Edward. He behaved terribly towards his staff, his family, his friends - and ultimately loses everything he has in a house fire. A kind of especially brital poetic justice which felt satisfying to dispense. A lot of the other Placeford songs are at pains to complicate endings to their stories a little, resolve things more positively - but Smoke just goes in for the kill.

Anyhoo, as it's been received so well, I thought it might be nice to share one of the earlier demos of it, complete with extra verses of awful Edward.

This is a much slower arrangement, so make yourself a cuppa, settle back and enjoy the horror.


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