Our final single from Placeford is coming on August 8th.

It's in the orbit of Jimmy Blue / We gotta get out of this place / leave fast - kind of tracks, which are obviously REALLY important to have in any collection of songs about a small town. Remember aching?

This one has been kicking around for quite a long time, having gone through quite a lot of different arrangements. I'll drop some of those in the midlander channel, for those who like their processes shared. I'm really happy with how its turned out, and hope you will be too.

More importantly!!! Here's the beautiful cover shot, provided as ever by RB Pictures. I'll gather these all together into a post once the collection is finalised.

On and On

Out August 8th

Anyway - August 8th! Pre-save now!

Although of course, if you want to hear it sooner, together with a bunch of other impossibly AMAZING BENEFITS - you should become a Midlander.

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