Hello Midlanders,

Our new track, Branch Line Station, is out May 9th - and we're really excited to share a first review of it from the lovely Neil Marsh of 'Trust the Doc'. As well as hosting the weekly radio show on Exile FM he publishes a monthly (I think?) round-up of news and personal reviews of new releases.

We're super excited that he took the time to listen to BLS!

The arrival in our lives of Nottingham’s Hello Midlands with the astonishing Martin a short time ago was a real breath of fresh air and now we have Branch Line Stations. Once again, it is so strikingly unlike anything else. There are great contrasts between the quieter, almost folky moments with sweet piano chords and expressive vocals and the intensity when everything gets going and the vocals take on a more dynamic and emotionally-charged nature. Lyrically it is intriguing, story-telling in style and steeped in a kind of local historic-political context. It is, for certain, a good thing when you become known for expecting the unexpected. Hello Midlands are playing to their own rules and doing so with style and an agreeable edge.

You should definitely check out the entire post. He's an insprational advocate for new music and a great friend to us here at HM.

Whilst you're at it - subscribe to our mailing list (at the bottom of the page) to get the track today, and / or pre-save it on spotify to help us out.

Thanks, friends!

- HM

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