An earlier stop and some (more) nice words

Branch Line Station has been, by some margin, our most heard song to date.
This is excellent news.
Thank you for listening!
We've also been lucky enough to have been featured by the excellent Tony Hands on his Fifty Three blog.
You can read the full review on his site - and you should, along with some other amazing artists that we're humbled to be alongside.

Branch Line Station started out (as a lot of our stuff does) as a much longer, more meandering thing. One of the goals for this year has been producing leaner, more focussed songs. Don't get me wrong, I love an epic (Tony even described it as a folk-opera), but it's fun to practice economy.
That said...
Here's an earlier demo version that's almost twice as long, during which you could boil a couple of eggs. This also features a slightly longer version of the opening "theeeeeeeeere's", in which we unsuccessfully attempt to channel Lulu.
Back at work on the Placeford collection now, and finishing up which track to put out next...
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